to be damned

A seven episode mini-series by director Sofia Farres, To Be Damned is a modern retelling of the lives of female Catholic saints. Through these narratives, Farres explores what it means to exist as a woman; both within a catholic context and in American society at large. The show is expected o release in the summer of 2025.

From the beginning of pre-production in the summer of 2023 to October of 2024 I was an associate producer on To Be Damned. Throughout this time I worked off-set to help fundraise for the series both on an execution and planning level. The highlight of this experience was my role in helping plan The Heavenly Bodies Gala. A formal event held in Boston’s Old South Church, the gala was a massive logistical undertaking which required sponsors, promos and an ungodly amount of planning. Undoubtably, The Heavenly Bodies Gala was the most complex promotional event I have ever had a hand in and I’m incredibly thankful to have been able to play a part in it.


A Drug Story